Almonds and Olivez


Benefits, Nutritional Profile and How to!

Moringa Oleifera or the drumstick tree as it is called in some parts of the world is a tree that is purported to have both food and medicinal properties. These claims are based on its vast nutritional profile. 

Some of the famed nutritional properties include its vitamin A content, which is reportedly seven (7) times more than that of oranges, ten (10) times more vitamin A than carrots, seventeen (17) times more the calcium than cow’s milk, nine (9) times more protein than yogurt and if you thought ripe bananas were the main potassium powerhouse, well, moringa has reportedly surpassed it, has it is purported to have Fifteen (15) times more of this mineral as well as Twenty-five (25) times more iron than Popeye’s famous spinach.

Both its seed and leaves are known to have nutritional value.  However, the leaves, which is one of the most used parts of the tree, is said to be a rich source of both vitamins and minerals, as well as shown strong antioxidant activity, due to its phenolic compounds.

You can read more on Moringa in this detailed article here.

Moringa Nutritional Profile

100g – (3.5 ounces) of Moringa Leaf Powder:

  • Calories: 500 g
  • Protein: 33g
  • Carbohydrates: 67g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Fat:33g
  • Calcium: 2667 mg
  • Iron: 6 mg
  • Vitamin C: 40 mg
  • Vitamin A: 6667 IU
  • Selenium: 233 mg
  • Water:8g

Ref: (

Here are some Health Benefits of Eating Moringa

  1. Purported to be anti-diabetic, as research shows that may be able reduce blood glucose.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Anti-microbial potential.
  4. Neuroprotective abilities.
  5. Anti-cancer potential.

Remember, You can read the detailed article on Moringa here

Here are some ways You can include Moringa in your diet

  1. Use the leaves as tea.
  2. Use the powdered leaves in teas.
  3. Stir it into your water.
  4. Cook the leaves in as a ‘supergreen.’
  5. Add the powder to smoothies.
  6. Sprinkle into soups.
  7. Add it to salad dressings.
  8. Add the powder to baked goods.

How will you add this nutrient-dense Food to your diet?

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