Almonds and Olivez

DIY Salt Water Flush Recipe!


Want to go, but you just cannot?  Well, here is a little remedy for that.  Saltwater has been touted as a safe and effective way to cleanse the colon to assist with bowel movement as well as detoxification of the body. 


  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (without the iodine).
  • 1 8oz glass of warm water.
  • 1fresh lemon (The Juice).


  • Add warm water to a glass or jar.
  • Add sea salt.
  • Mixed sea salt and water until fully dissolved.
  • Add lemon juice and continue mixing.
  • Drink the mixture (preferably at once and on an empty stomach).
  • Wait for the bathroom call.

It is best to drink this mixture first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or 1-2 hours after eating. You can also use Himalayan salt. Ensure that the salt you use does not have iodine.

You can check out these other detox/cleansing recipes that are simple and effective as well.

Ingredient Spotlight!

~ Salt~

Salt has gotten a bad rap over the years, but it is actually a necessary mineral that the body cannot do without. Additionally, salt is essential for several biochemical processes of the body.  However, it is always best to keep your consumption to a minimum.  According to the American Heart Association, the maximum daily intake should not be more than 2.3 grams (g) or 2,300 milligrams (mg).  This is equivalent to less than 1 teaspoon per day.

Some of the benefits include:

  1. It helps the body stay hydrated via the unique balance of sodium and potassium, which is another crucial mineral that the body needs.
  2. Salt also acts as an electrolyte and thus helps with muscle cramping.
  3. It is essential for the proper working of the nervous system.

So you see, salt is actually a good thing…but, just don’t overdo it!

To good health!

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