Here comes the new year and with it, many resolutions and of no surprise, getting fit is a part of the listing. So, the gym, parks and community centres are full to capacity with the fit and the fit-at-heart who can be seen running on treadmills and attempting to lift a 25-pound dumbbell. However, as the months go by, the enthusiasm dwindles, momentum dies and the excuses escalate.
Nonetheless, as physical activities decline, fatigue and possibly health issues creep in and some of us even gain back the weight we didn’t even lose. As such, here are some tips that can serve as a guide to creating your ‘hiit’ fitness programme. These tips will help you to not only purposefully commence your unique programme but can assist you to become motivated for a successful journey. Let’s discuss!
The Discussion
A fitness program is a plan that is geared at helping someone improve their health and physical condition. To achieve the desired state of fitness, it is important that we consume proper nutrition along with physical activities of a moderate or intense nature and of course, adequate sleep.
Sleep, which is often forgotten, is an integral component of any fitness plan for success both in the short and long term. Why? Well, sleep rejuvenates the body which causes the other systems to perform optimally. Therefore, a lack of sleep will not only impact one’s metabolism but also, weight loss.
We are not all created equal; everyone is unique in his/her way and leads different lives with daily obligations. As such, a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness will certainly not be the most appropriate. Nonetheless, we can all take into consideration these five (5) strategies to build a fitness plan that fits your lifestyle and thus represents you.
These include assessing your lifestyle and level of fitness which includes your daily routine and obligations, making a plan and writing it down, putting together a weekly routine with your nutritional needs in mind, changing the plan where necessary and taking it outside.
Five (5) Steps in Creating a Fitness Routine:
- Assess your lifestyle and level of fitness.
- Make a written plan.
- Put together a weekly written routine.
- Make adjustments as time goes by.
- Take it outside.
Assess your lifestyle and level of fitness.
This always seems like a daunting task due to the myriad of things that some of us have to do daily – completing organizational tasks to dropping off the kids at school and picking them back up again, seems like nothing right? Think again! There goes your day and you haven’t really started your night shift.
To plan a fitness program, you need to realistically assess how your time is consumed daily. This will allow you to make the necessary adjustments to make room for exercise. Also, in this process, we need to take into account our fitness level, truthfully. This includes how long you can walk around the block or jog in the park without gasping for breath like crazy or feeling bodily fatigue. Does your joint hurt? What is your energy like as you perform these activities?
Don’t be ashamed if you can only walk a few minutes a day at first, the most important thing is to start and build up gradually. Also, if you suffer from any medical ailments or just want to start on the best footing, you should visit your doctor and get a proper assessment done of your physical well-being. In this assessment, take care to include your body composition and not just body weight to have a clear picture of your fitness level, especially of your body’s water, protein and bone mineral levels.
Make a Written Plan
When you put it in writing it is most likely to stick, right? Often time when we agree to do something verbally or in the height of a moment, we usually do not get it done, as the feeling fades. Therefore, it is best to simply write down your plan and monitor it daily. This does not mean that it has to be this glamorous, colour-coded computerized document, a simple notepad, one preferably designated for your fitness program will suffice. Further, ensure that your plan includes both short and long-term goals as well as a weekly fitness routine.
For example, an immediate short-term goal could be ‘Getting back in shape’ and that could be you exercising 2 days per week, Mondays and Wednesdays, low-intensity HIIT cardio on one day and strength with abs on the other, duration, 30-45 minutes each day. A long-term goal could be losing 15 pounds in 3 months, which could be increasing the number of days you exercise as well as increasing the intensity and duration, plus, heightening your nutritional needs.
Put together a weekly written routine.
Remember we stated that your goals should be coupled with a weekly routine, yes! Make the routine simple and fun and based on your fitness level. To remove any monotony, set an objective for each week which includes both an exercise plan and a nutritional guide so that you are guided each step of the way. Also, the routine should be balanced, as such, it should not be cardio every day, challenge yourself and increase the intensity and focus weekly.
Remember, balance is the key! A balanced routine not only helps to target overall body fat but also allows you to achieve desired results and keep you motivated. So, ensure you target the arms, lower body, upper body, the abs and other parts of the body. A day of rest should also be included in your weekly plan as your body needs time to recover and rebuild muscle fibres to keep you going.
Make adjustments as time goes by.
The same routine of week one (1) should not be the same routine throughout your journey. As the body changes, your weekly routine and nutritional needs must be assessed to foster continued success as well as to prevent the dreaded plateau and lack of motivation. The aim is to develop a lifelong fitness plan. Therefore, monitor your progress every few weeks and even conduct a personal fitness assessment to see where you are at.
Based on your assessment, you may notice that you have to add more strength training or increase or decrease intensity or duration. You may even at this point, hire a fitness coach. Most importantly, listen to your body and aim to be flexible to maintain the momentum you have worked so hard to achieve.
Take it outside
This is in addition to step #4 and one that will help you to maintain momentum and build enthusiasm. Once you have the hang of things, your creative juices will begin to flow, remember, you are now a ‘fitter’ version of yourself. So, do not become fixated on any one particular routine or location, change it up! So instead of going to the gym daily, you may decide to jog in the park, take up some swimming, play tennis, start or increase your marathon participation or go on a hike, the possibilities are endless.
Remember, while it is said that we are creatures of habit, sometimes doing the same things over and over reduces our enjoyment, and ‘dims our spirit.’ As such, the task you were once enjoying is now seen as a deadly chore. So, get out of the house or the gym and enjoy a little bit of nature.
Illustrative Summary
Here is an illustrative summary of how to create a ‘HIIT’ Fitness Programme.
Let’s Sum Up!
Developing a ‘HIIT’ fitness programme doesn’t have to be a scientific dilemma. Instead, you can make it a simple routine based on your overall physical and wellness goals. While it may not be a walk in the park, it certainly can be fun, especially when you start to see the changes in your body and experience good health. However, it does take some thought and action which includes assessing your lifestyle, current and projected, then developing a written plan with consideration of your fitness goals and how to achieve them.
Further, one should put together a weekly routine and work it daily. This planned weekly routine should include both nutrition and exercise as both are critical for long-term success. Further, we must remain flexible as hey, life happens! Lastly, take it outside. Do not just stick to working out at home or the gym, incorporate some outdoor activities, mix it up and just have fun! Your body will be happy you did.
Here are some exercises that you can incorporate into your fitness routine as you work to shape and tone your body.
My Five (5) Favourite upper body exercises and why?
Five (5) ways to get your ‘fit on’ in the new year – 2023 and Beyond!
- What is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Benefits and Risks!
Editor’s Note: This article was updated on July 2, 2024 and January 20, 2025.
- Lee, I.M. (2003). Physical activity and cancer prevention – data from epidemiologic studies. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc, 35, 1823-7T